
[29] Staiber, W. (2017) Germline-specific labeling of the somatic chromosomes by protein phosphatase 2A and histone H3S28 phosphorylation in Acricotopus lucidus.  

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[28] Staiber, W. (2016) Loss of centromeric histone H2AT120 phosphorylation accompanies somatic chromosomes inactivation in the aberrant spermatocytes of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[27] Staiber, W. (2014) GTPase Ran strongly accumulates at the kinetochores of somatic chromosomes in the spermatogonial mitoses of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

Protoplasma 251:979-984

[26] Staiber, W. (2012)  Germ line-limited and somatic chromosomes of Acricotopus lucidus differ in distribution and timing of alterations of histone modifications in male gonial mitosis and meiosis.

Chromosome Research 20:717-734

[25] Staiber, W. (2009) FISH analysis and cytogenetic characterization of male meiotic prophase I in Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chirono­midae).

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[24] Staiber, W. (2008) Centrosome hyperamplification with the formation of multiple asters and programmed chromosome inactivation in aberrant spermatocytes during male meiosis in Acricotopus.

Cell and Tissue Research 334:81–91

[23] Staiber, W. (2007) Asymmetric distribution of mitochondria and of spindle micro­tubules in opposite directions in differential mitosis of germ line cells in Acricotopus.

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[22] Staiber, W. (2006) Chromosome elimination in germ line – soma differentiation of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[21] Staiber, W. (2005) Cytogenetic analysis of partial elimination of germ line limited chromosomes from primary germ cells in Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[20] Staiber, W. (2004) Molecular evolution of homologous gene sequences in germ line-limited and somatic chromosomes of Acricotopus.

Genome 47:732-741

[19] Staiber, W. (2002) Isolation of a new germ line-specific repetitive DNA family in Acricotopus by microdissection of polytenized germ line-limited chromosome sections from a permanent larval salivary gland preparation.

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[18] Staiber, W. , Wahl, S. (2002) Painting analysis of meiotic metaphase I con­figurations of the germ line-limited chromosomes in Acricotopus.

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[17] Staiber, W. , Schiffkowski, C. (2000) Structural evolution of the germ line-limited chromosomes in Acricotopus.

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[16] Staiber, W. (2000) Immunocytological and FISH analysis of pole cell formation and soma elimination of germ line-limited chromosomes in the chironomid Acricotopus lucidus.

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[15] Staiber, W.,  Wech,  I., Preiss, A. (1997) Isolation and chromosomal localization of a germ line-specific highly repetitive DNA family in Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[14] Staiber, W. (1994) Effects of Nosema algerae infections on the gene activity of the salivary gland chromosomes of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae). 

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[13] Staiber, W. (1994) Immunofluorescence study of spindle microtubule arrangements during differential gonial mitosis of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[12] Staiber, W. (1992) Effects of azadirachtin on Balbiani ring gene activities and development of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[11] Staiber, W. (1991) Structural homologies between germ line limited and soma chromosomes in Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

The Journal of Heredity 82:247-249

[10] Staiber, W. (1991) Preferential pairing in the germ line limited chromosomes of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[9] Staiber, W. (1991) Characterization of heterochromatin of germ line limited and soma chromosomes in Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae) by differential banding methods.

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[8] Staiber, W., Wech, I (1991) Isolation of single viable polytene cells from larval oenocytes of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[7] Staiber, W. (1989) Multivalent formation and pairing behavior of germ line limited chromosomes in male meiosis of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[6] Staiber, W. (1988) G-banding of germ line limited chromosomes in Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[4] Staiber, W. , Thudium, D. (1986) X-ray induced rearrangements between germ-line limited and soma chromosomes of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae).

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[3] Staiber, W. (1986) Intermediate puffing patterns as evidence of spontaneous fusions of two different polytene cell types in the Acricotopus salivary gland.                                           

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[1] Staiber, W. (1982) Induction of a special Balbiani ring by position effect in the salivary gland chromosomes of Acricotopus lucidus                  

Experientia 38:1490-1491